Framing a picture

Puttting border to any photograph makes it look better. More so is a natural framing. When it comes to landscapes, it is a common practice to include something that would act as a natural border to the image. It can be trees on both sides, or a canopy covering the landscape shot (as shown in this image below), or a portion of a water body, etc.

From Nature - Landscapes

This image was taken on the way from Kolhapur towards Radhanagari. The plants with yellow flowers were used to fence the paddy fields. I thought it would make a good picture and tried including the tree top to act as a border to compensate for the blank dull sky.

Used "Aperture Priority" with F22 to have a good Depth-Of-Field. Shutter speed was set to 1/50th of a second as there was good ambience light. ISO was set to 200 for a good quality image.


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