What can Captain Gopinath do as a MP?

Over morning breakfast chat, my friend asked this question.

What can Captain Gopinath do as a MP?


This question is not just limited to Captain Gopinath, or just Bangalore South loksabha constituency. Applies to all decent individuals who are contesting this time.

Some thoughts on this, with Captain Gopinath just as an example
  • Captain Gopinath, if at all gets elected, can not do more harm than any of the established politicians
  • If he wins, that may bring confidence in more and more of the responsible citizens from participating in future elections
  • Win of people of the kind of Captain Gopinath... hmm... even though not a win, ... a defeat with respectable number of votes would bring an awakening "locally" in the beginning, and "across the country" over a period of time. Many such small changes in our politics may transform the way public thinks about their participation, over a period of time
  • Gradual public awakening may change the way our current-politicians think of the public
Any positive change in the current scenario, however gradual, is always welcome.

At the end, we get the government we deserve. That is perfectly okay, as long as we voted honestly for the right candidate.

So, our duty ends in exercising our franchise in electing good candidates. Results of that should be left for the time to decide. Is not that the whole idea behind GITA?


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