A peep into Joint Pain

Saturday morning 02:00 hours

Found myself immobilised on the bed. Shoulder joints and the low back had become stiff. Changing side became tough. I thought I was dreaming. Took a hot water bath at 3:30 in the morning. Slowly body temperature increased along with the joint pain. Lifting arms to take out the banian appeared to a huge task. Severity of this became more and more clear as the day progressed.

This made me remember two of my good friends in yoga-class who have been affected for years together with Ankylosing Spondylitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. The girl who asks my help in keeping a couple of blankets back in place as she can not lift her arms beyond her shoulder level. I can not say anything, except bowing before them for their attitude towards life - always jovial and ever smiling.
Saturday afternoon

By 12 noon, I was limping as my knees did not take the load any longer. An elderly friend of mine took an appointment with Dr.Prasad (world famous in Thyagaraj Nagar and southern part of Bangalore). He confirmed that it was not Chikungunya, but some viral fever affecting the joints. He generously prescribed anti-biotics. I was supposed to accompany my music teacher for a performance in "Kamath Bugal Rock" from 8 to 10 in the evening. As I was not able to sit down, I called him up and explained him the situation.

After ditching my music teacher, I did not want to do the same thing with my friends too with whom I had to visit Ramanagaram hills the next morning. Partly it is because of my belief that mother nature makes us forget all pains. I took the anti-biotics and lied down for the rest of the day and night; viral fever and joint pains subsided. But, I was quite tired and anti-biotics created burning sensation in my stomach.

Sunday morning 6AM

Went to my yoga-class and stretched the hamstrings to mobilise the knee joints which were in good shape by then, gave a good twist to the spine to alleviate stiffness of the low back. Started to Ramanagaram hills by quarter to 7AM. Meeting my friends and then landing in Ramangaram took all pains away.

Had a good view of the Long-billed Vultures and walked around for sometime. Then climbed up to the "Rama-devara beTTa" and to the top most part of the hillock. Fever started creeping in again. I did not take antibiotics in the morning as I feared that it would drain me out. By the time I got down the hillock, my face of burning red, tongue sourer, jaw-bite was little painful.

Tongue and jaws didn't allow me to take solid food. Had few fruit juices, and we all headed back home. Slept well after consuming another round of anti-biotics, and now I am feeling pretty well. Looks like I will have to pump in some more anti-biotics (though I would not take them thrice a day as prescribed) before becoming normal.

But, this was the first time I realised that pain is only in the mind. My first personal experience of joint pain.

Here are few images from Ramanagaram. It was worth every moment.
Long-billed Vulture (Gyps indicus) digiscoped

A photographer focusing on vultures

It was a cloudy day. Light kept changing every moment.
The spotlight was seen on the hill top for a very small time.

Following two images were taken holding the camera in different positions. Second one covers the sky more than the first one which has the hill range in the centre of the frame. Some how I liked the first one, probably due to brilliant cloud cast.
The above landscapes were taken using auto-bracketing -1,0,+1. I thought of attempting HDR merge using Photoshop. But, what I find out is that lifting the levels to a small extent and adjusting contrast a little from the -1 stop image looks brilliant. HDR merge did not turn out satisfactory.

I do not know who took the below images. Liked the composition very much. It can not be me :o)


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